Polytechnicast - Interactive Storyteller

Polytechnicast - UX Mentoring Revisited and Guest Teaching Design



Sharing your time to listen, learn, and help connect others to the community you've been part of is a worthwhile endeavor. In this episode of the Polytechnicast I reflect on some recent volunteering I'm doing to support those studying systemic minded human centered design. Related Links and Resources Guitar Fretter - a game that makes an arcade memory match out of memorizing the notes on a fret board is on SALE for a limited time on all platforms it's on This Panda Needs You - a relaxing block stacking pattern matching game is on SALE for a limited time on all platforms it's on Drawing User Journey Maps to Design User Experiences, Gather Ideas, and Collaborate - on SALE through DECEMBER 2019 For Skillshare subscribers or those new to Skillshare who'd like to sign up for 2 free months + get the Drawing User Journey Maps class Rob Stenzinger - Maker, teacher, and coach for user experience design, games, and collaboration Blog of an Interac