Self Starter

Episode 14 - Bringing Out The Best In Others with MonoNest Studio, Sanctuary Point



Syd Green of MonoNest Studio is a freelance musician and music producer who began recording artists on the South Coast of New South Wales in Sanctuary Point around 10 years ago. Syd's background in music is extensive playing in bands such as Mantissa and Iota in the 90s and these days playing with 19Twenty.This episode is an edited/focused version of a longer chat I had with Syd that's featured on episode 124 of The Andy Social Podcast. In this Self Starter episode, however, you will hear us focusing more on MonoNest and the evolution of his business and the approach he takes with the clients/artists that he works with.Now you might think that a music producer and studio may not draw a lot of parallels in your own self employment journey, however I encourage you to listen with an open mind. The great thing about Self Starter is that it's about sharing best practices across all industries and professions. This encourages innovation and a point of difference in your own pond.If you want to learn more about some