Self Starter

Episode 18 - Side Hustle Haven - Twitch



I’m interrupting your regularly scheduled Self Starter program with a side hustle episode. I’m not sure what I’ll call these types of episodes just yet but I want to give you all some more ideas of how to earn some extra money. Not everyone has the desire to completely immerse themselves in the self employment world or they’re ready but there are plenty of ways to ease in and get a feel of the what the possibilities may be by earning small amounts of money on the side. Who wouldn’t want to earn a little extra money? And it’s even better when it’s something you enjoy.So have you heard of Twitch? Twitch is a live streaming video platform which launched in 2011 as primarily a video gaming platform. Over the years however its been utilised by all sorts of people doing things that they are passionate about such as music, art and other forms of entertainment. I’ve even been made aware of a guy who video streams his turtles, which you’ll hear more about in this episode.Personally for me I don’t know a great deal abo