Self Starter

Episode 26 - An Authentic Weekend Side Hustle with Crosdales BBQ, Glossodia NSW



Crosdales BBQ is the ultimate side hustle. When people have plans to start their own business, some of us look to the future and envision a day when we will be able to do it full time and nothing else. Owner Russell Crosdale however has a different approach on it all.Having been swooned by the flavours and culture of BBQ cooking while living and working as a cook in North America, Russell wanted to bring his experiences back home and continue to enjoy cooking this food which he had developed a real love of.With a traditional job that was already providing what he needed, Russell launched Crosdales BBQ as a weekend passion business that has grown in demand through the reputation carved out of quality American Authentic BBQ food. So much so that at the time of having our chat, Crosdales BBQ was booked out every weekend for the next 4 months.When asked whether there would be plans to extend to a full time gig, Russell was quick to acknowledge that his main focus is to nurture the passion and not compromise it. T