Joseph-vernon Banks' Podcast

Henry Hudson I.S. 125 Pod cast #2 Music Department. Announcements for 01/11/10



Music Departments Announcements for the week of Monday, January 2010 • Auditions for the following ensembles are being held in the music room in B28 from 8:00 A.M -8:40 •This Monday and next Monday for Drums/ Percussion. •This Wednesday and next Wednesday for Keyboard/Piano. •This Friday and next Friday for Singing Ensembles. •For those who are interested in the PTA sponsored Talent Show ON FEBUARY 12, 2010 @ 6P.M. AUDITIONS ARE being held JANUARY 10 THRU THE 15TH, 2010. Contact the PTA office in the basement for information. •Those are students and or teachers interested in posting Pod casts to Henry Hudson I.S. 125 I-Tunes Page should contact Mr. Banks in Room B28 @Henry Hudson I .S. 125. Have a great day!