Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 1-Episode 8 – Greg Kaminsky



Greg Kaminsky Most of those who are regular users of the Internet and interested in serious articles and interviews about Esoteric Tradition and Occultism know and appreciate the renowned Occult of Personality podcast. It has been online and active for over eleven years and about 180 interesting episodes are among the best the internet has to give in this field. In this episode, you meet founder and host of this wonderful show, Greg Kaminsky. Greg's always informed and knowledgeable way of leading interviews, his calm voice are a trademark. In the interview, Rudolf asks Greg about how Occult of Personality came into being, but also about Greg's first experiences with the esoteric world, his personal points of view in that field etc. Greg also talks to us about his upcoming thesis and the Italian Renaissance philosopher Pico di Mirandola, who plays an important role in what we call today the Western Esoteric Tradition. Please note that in this episode there is no reviews and news section. They will return - to