Burn Out




"Access to the medium... it's only just happening now. Animation is something that's masterfully practiced by the Japanese, really well practiced by Americans — but what music sounded like once black people were given the full access to play with it? I think about that [with] animation. What would dancehall look like translated into animation? Applying the care and attention of a Pixar movie? I've yet to see that summarized in this medium." — Gyimah Gariba I think Gyimah's work epitomizes the potential inherent in Canadian art: using an existing medium or practice to create a new future, one that reflects the reality of the way we live. His style as an animator and illustrator is inspired by the quotidian: Saturday morning cartoons, friendship and familial intimacy, Sean Paul music videos and hip-hop. But taken together the result is something brand new. We talked about how to translate dreams and feelings to a piece of art, developing a voice and point of view, and why it is so important to get out of your o