Rosie Kohl's Vaudeville Broadcast

#24 - Glorious Hooray Cabaret Havoc with Victoria Kember and Verity Lewis



Verity Lewis and Victoria KemberRosie gets a dose of double trouble with the fabulous Verity and Victoria. They chat about: Different Backgrounds; Door Woman in Disguise; Finding The One; Party and a Show; Cabaret Family; Comedians Understanding Burlesque and Vice Versa; Complimentary Art Forms; Resident Performers; Boobs Falling Out; Cavendish Arms Again!; Little Mistress Shows; ALL the Glitter; Getting the Funny Character; Performance Art (Spaced Reference); Dark Burlesque; Food-Related Weirdness; Car Boot Cabaret; Self-Promotion; Where Do You Go?; Back At School; Pure Determination; Enjoying Organisation; Exes Swap Shop; Shit Raffles; No Pregnancy Tests, No Pubes; January Crying; Women in Comedy - What Does Equality Look Like?; Never Get Your Tits Out; Tiring to Talk About It; Stepping Into The Male Dominated Space; Admitting We Have Some Privileges; Hobbyist Burlesque Experiences; Nice Surprises, Nice Scene; Opportunities Through Hobbies; It's Never Been Done Before; Just Do A Role; Bras Don't Play Nice;