I love Value Investing By Jason Rivera

Case Study Part 7 - JGSMY And An Overview of Why I Put It On My Watchlist



 In this brand new series that will become a regular here and on the Value Investing Journey blog you're going to learn step by step how I find companies to research, how I evaluate them on a preliminary level, how I read financial statements, how I value them and more.  In the first video of this case study series I showed you step by step how I find companies to research further so you can use the same process. https://youtu.be/6y5MFgTX0xA  Then I did a full analysis of Filipino public company San Miguel Corp (SMGBY) - https://youtu.be/OaQkIuxPQww  Then I evaluated another Filipino public company Robinson's Retail (RRETY) - https://youtu.be/MnKlw8JcDAg  I then recapped this case study after I evaluated all 44 Filipino OTC ADR's and how you which 3 Filipino companies I added to my watchlist.  I also tell you a few more that may be great investments if and when valuations and debt levels come down.  https://youtu.be/tZqasEhPkh8  In the next video I did an overview of wh