I love Value Investing By Jason Rivera

Notes Payable, Due On Demand, Debt Securitization, And More



 In this free training video I show you the depth of information, knowledge, and skills students of my Masterclass and Coaching Program get.  In this video that is from a larger training session we spend about 14 minutes going over just 2 lines in this companies financial report so that this student fully understands debt, notes payable, due on demand, debt securitization, and more.  We spent more than 17 hours over 8 training sessions going over this companies annual report line by line so he would understand everything in it.  To check out our other series use the following links...  Value Investing In Your Car Episodes - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - In this podcast we talk about the following things and more...   - Book Reviews  - Value Investing Education  - The 4 Most Useless Investing Metrics  - The 3 Metrics I Rely On Most As A Value Investor  - And much more.  Value Investing Case Study Videos - Free Value Investment Training Ca