China Paradigms

82: Going from digital agency to SaaS business in China with Daphne Tuijn



In this China business podcast we learn about Daphne Tuiijn's entrepreneurial story starting - a full-service China e-commerce agency with offices in Shanghai and Amsterdam; Chaoly -- a cloud-based data platform, based on the latest technologies that integrate your data together with big data sources from major Chinese platforms. Daphne Tuijn discusses her first experience in the Chinese market; how to open cross-border shops and operate them, switching from a service filed to software and more. Skip to the highlights: 1:38 Where is the company now 4:00 Daphne Tuijn’s first experience in the Chinese market 6:56 How does Daphne Tuijn manage the business 10:12 What Daphne Tuijn has to do to open cross-border shops and operate them 12:07 What’s the cost platforms ask for and how does company charge 1221 14:13 What about the logistics 18:14 How do Chinese people react to international sales 27:03 Is chatbox has a bright future in China 29:39 What kind of growth-hacking techniques has Daphne