What's Killing My Kale?

What's Killing My Kale Episode 26: Swede Midge - a new brassica pest in Minnesota



Author: Natalie Hoidal. Interviewee: Angie AmbournIn episode 26 of What's Killing My Kale, Natalie talked with Angie Ambourn, supervisor of the MDA's pest detection unit. Angie's team has been studying emerging insects and diseases in community gardens across Minnesota, and they've recently detected Swede Midge in gardens across the Twin Cities. Swede Midge is an important pest of cole crops on the East Cost, and while has not yet caused economic damage on Minnesota farms, it's important for producers to keep an eye out and anticipate this insect pest in the years to come. In part 2 of this episode, we interviewed Yolanda Chen from the University of Vermont about management strategies for organic farms. You can listen to and download the episode here. What's Killing my Kale is also available on iTunes. If you enjoy listening to our podcast, please leave a review on iTunes. As always, reach out and let us know if there are any topics you'd like us to cover in future episodes!