Brian & Sherri 4.0

Countdown to Halloween 2019



BOO! Did I scare you? No? Well then that means we still have time till our 2019 Halloween Show! We are gearing up for that show only because that show falls right on Halloween night which is cool. So tonight we thought we would let you in on what may or may not be happening on the show! As you can can see Sherri and I love the holidays and make our audience participate as well!! So we have a little contest to chat about as well. So hang up the brooms and put the spell book down cause it is time for Brian & Sherri time. You can catch the show either by listening right here on our Blog Talk profile by clicking the link, or stay on our Facebook and watch our LIVE Facebook stream!!. You can always head to our website by going to Facebook is Have an idea or show topic you want us to talk about on the show??? E-mail us by writing to