Davy Sims's Podcast

Sonja Sleator Interview



It was recorded in our kitchen. An odd place to record a podcast. But it’s Saturday morning and Sonja Sleator and Daniel Lynch live nearby, and, why not? A conversation over a kitchen table and coffee. I’ve known Sonja and Daniel for a couple of years, and I’ve followed the progress of her career over that time. Her new single Protection has just been released. While Sonja has more recently got a wider media profile I wanted to recap on the story so far. Also talk to Daniel about their collaboration and his new project. So, I filled the Moka pot with coffee and we talked … Protection is the latest in a series of singles Sleator is releasing through 2019 following the release of her third EP Violent Strawberry in April.  Stream: https://soundcloud.com/sonja-sleator-1/protection/s-2yLW7 Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8r9jgxa8ommro7e/AADV5PxHuAuqcoWXfr_ehdSda?dl=0 Watch: https://youtu.be/33pYWpnNGzA     Social Media:   www.sonjasleator.com    EPK: https://spark.adobe.com/page/dKtZ80Gr38nSN/   www.facebo