Ken Arciga's Manceptional Podcast

029: Power Yoga with Bryan Kest



Yoga is about hot bods, yoga pants and crazy poses isn’t it? Well hang on to your hamstrings in this episode, as today we get some strong answers from Bryan Kest, one of the big names in the yoga industry who has been teaching Yoga around the world for almost 35 years. You could call him an expert. Bryan breaks down what yoga is all about, from the physical side to the meditative side, but we get into a lot of areas, some frankly which might ruffle some feathers. One sacred cow that Bryan takes on is today’s culture of hardcore fitness which is to push your body to extremes like in crossfit or weightlifting, basically any type of extreme exercise where you are trying to change your body. This might piss off a lot of people who are pushing hard (which I somewhat do myself), but you can’t argue with the logic of Bryan’s basic premise which is “the harder you are on anything the faster you destroy it.” It applies to used cars. It can apply to relationships. And it applies directly to fitness. If you are into