Masters Series

How to Build a Community Around Your Business



Marketing is about building relationships - to retain good customers and reach new ones in a way that encourages them to become repeat customers. This podcast outlines the key steps to building a community. Sarah Meredith is the Australian Country Director for Global Citizen, the movement that aims to end extreme poverty by 2030. Global Citizen has set itself a goal of building a community of 100 million and with 8 million working with them already, they are well on their way. Martina Hughes is the founder of Tantric Blossoming, the largest Tantric Community in Australia. Martina says community is all about relationships and it is strengthened by shared risk. She outlines 3 essential elements of community building.  Masters Series puts industry professionals in front of a room full of startups and entrepreneurs to share their experience and secrets to success. Thank you to Jahzzar for the music. Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe. The Masters Series podcast is produced by Written & Recorde