Masters Series

Time Management and Productivity Tips



Software as a Service or SaaS tools can improve your time management and productivity. More importantly, they can be low cost or free and scaled to support your business as it grows. Former Google employee Soumya Rao Indurti founded Connect Labs to improve lives by empowering people to use the right technology better. Soumya says there's no point using a SaaS tool if it doesn't give you more time to focus on real relationships with people. Over the last 3 years Soumya's worked with almost all of the productivity SaaS tools on the market and in this episode, she reveals which ones will fast track your happiness! Masters Series puts industry professionals in front of a room full of startups and entrepreneurs to share their experience and secrets to success. Thank you to Jahzzar for the music. Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe. The Masters Series podcast is produced by Written & Recorded. The views expressed by the contributors on this podcast and linked websites are not necessarily endorsed by t