China Paradigms

28: How To Use Thought Leadership And Social Media To Accelerate You And Your Brand Forward In China



As a thought leader, Ashley Galina Dudarenok is known among the China entrepreneurship community for her bright personality, strong social media presence and her Amazon bestseller book, 'Unlocking the World's Largest E-Market'. After starting her China adventures in Chong Qing at the age of 18, she currently runs two businesses in Hong Kong, Alarice and ChoZan, both focusing on China market strategy specifically eCommerce and social media platforms. Matthieu David-Experton interviews Ashley in this episode of China Paradigm, covering a wide range of topics important for entrepreneurs to understand not only for their business but for their own personal branding. Topics of this podcast include: - How Ashley started her companies in Hong Kong - How she became a thought leader with the help of a personal coach - Recommendations on how to write a book - Which social media platforms she has found the most useful for becoming an influential thought leader - Why social media is especially important in China - Misco