Maine Education Matters With Matt & Matt

Review of May 3 and May 6 testimony



May 3 and 6 public hearings testimony review000 051 intro051 112 LD 161 An Act To Increase Access to Career and Technical Education112 324 LD 358 An Act To Fully Fund Career and Technical Education for Fiscal Year 20182019324 406 LD 504 An Act To Enhance the Development of Innovative Career and Technical Education Programs406 627 LD 1036 Resolve Establishing a Task Force To Study the Creation of a Comprehensive Career and Technical Education System To Support Workforce Development627 950 LD 1606 An Act To Increase Funding for Career and Technical Education Programs950 1228 LD 1064 An Act To Address Maines Firefighter Shortage by Offering Firefighter Training for Credit in High School Career and Technical Education Programs1228 1649 LD 1029 An Act To Expand Educational Opportunities for Students Attending Public Secondary Schools with Enrollments of 300 or Fewer Students1649 2306 LD 1227 An Act To Allow Parents To Apply to the Commissioner of Education To Enroll Their Children in a Receiving