Feel The Bern

03.04.2019 - Crazy Like A Bernie



“Crazy like a Bernie”Over the weekend Senator Sanders launched his first campaign rally in Brooklyn New York – He was introduced by his wife Jane Sanders and a parade of sincere advocates who shared their stories. Then it was off to a packed warehouse in Chicago where Bernie again made his case for worker’s dignity and fundamental economic change. Today we are going to address two challenges you’re likely to hear against Bernie Sanders. First – He’s old. •His ideas are even older – they date back in America to the early 1900’s as an antidote to the great depression and a check on anarcho-capitalism.•He’s 77 years old, but we have video of him making the exact same arguments when he was only 45 years old. I’d rather have somebody who’s been saying the same thing for over 30 years than somebody who had different positions 30 months ago. •Hillary Clinton is 71 years old. Donald Trump is 72 years old. Joe Biden is 76 years old. •The purpose of age is it assumes the candidate represents younger generational intere