Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

86 – As We Evolve, Our Conception of God Evolves | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. With Shraddha, a sense of sanctity attached to spiritual practice, comes complete awareness, Smrti. An example of the development of modern Japan is given to illustrate the intensity of practice. Devotion to God is another option for intensification. In Yoga, God is the teacher of all teachers, not a conventional creator God. By intense devotion, his qualities of purity, knowledge, and dispassion come to you. The difference between him and a liberated soul is his omniscience. In Nyaya, God distributes the results of all actions to everybody. Vedanta accepts all these but goes farther and says that God is present in the world as the indweller. He enters the world and becomes one with his creation. Verses: I.20, I.21, I.22, I.23, I.24, I.25, I.26