Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

62 – Renunciation of Powers Opens the Gate to Freedom | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. The lecture begins with a review of the three great Indian sages of Yoga: Patanjali, Vyasa, and Shankara. Samyama on good qualities helps us to regulate all external relations. The ultimate goal of yoga is to go beyond all sense enslavement. This is the meaning of Parinama Dukha and Atha. It is a desire for something higher. That is why the first step of Yamas and Niyamas emphasize the ability to restrain the senses. That discipline allows us to naturally renounce all Yogic powers that come to us. Otherwise, downfall comes through attachment, pride, negligence, and complacency. If we renounce all worldly enjoyments coming from powers, then all of the seeds of worldly desire will be roasted completely. Verses: III.51