Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

54 – Reaching Freedom: Facing all Temptations with Indifference | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. Nirodha-Parinama is the highest level of mental transformation. Sankhya philosophy’s explanation of the creation of the world is reviewed. Transformation also takes place at the level of our mind. At the highest level, we have perfect awareness with the ability to choose to focus on things with freedom. By this power, all of our Samskaras and obstacles get conquered. With the practice of Yamas and Niyamas, these conflicts will be much reduced. Still, every seeker before reaching Nirodha will face the temptations and obstacles from all previous lives. Having this knowledge prepares us to remain indifferent to the negative obstacles that come. Verses: III.9, III.10