Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

50 – Prajna: Attaining the Light of Pure Awareness | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. Shankaracharya’s enormous accomplishments stemmed in part from his single-pointed focus. In Ashtanga Yoga, we get disciplined in Yamas and Niyamas, moral excellence, then at the physical level you are able to exert tremendous energy without strain, and Samyama gives mental equilibrium. As a result, we develop a new perspective, which is not based on practical benefit. We gain Prajna, a clear stream of thought which is not obstructed. It is knowledge established in pure awareness. Through Samprajnata Samadhi we can concentrate on different planes of spiritual experience. Later, there is Samadhi without any Vritti at all. Through these practices, you begin to develop a reduction in mental distractions and strengthening of one-pointedness. Verses: III.5, III.6, III.7, III.8, III.11