Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

41 – Niyamas: Utilization of Mental Energy | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. The Chittam, mental reservoir, accumulates tendencies and impressions from all of our previous life cycles. It is like a lake with many layers. A great spiritual seeker who has become completely pure will be able to see to the bottom of the lake - the eternal present. Aparigraha, total independence cleans up the lower layers of the lake. Becoming indebted to others robs us of spirituality. Saucha, external purity leads to detachment from physicality. Internal purity means mastery of the senses and feeling inner completeness. Santosha means inner transcendental joy even in the midst of scolding or doing unpleasant things. Tapas leads to physical and mental powers, which must be renounced in order to function. II.39, II.40, II.41, II.42, II.43