Borrow My Brain Podcast

Podcast Ep-23: TEDx Athens 2018



Borrow My Brain, Podcast series #23 Podcast Ep-23: TEDx Athens 2018 Few words Podcast Ep-23: TEDx Athens, hosts Dimitis Kalavros, Curator of TEDx, and Dimitis Kokkoris, its Project Director & Team Builder. TEDx Athens appeared in our lives first time in 2009 and has since brought 'on-stage' new ideas, fresh stimuli, and best cases. TEDx has united people who want to learn more and be inspired. It was the raw-model to others that later-on have built 23 more in Greece. Above all, however, it acts as the symbolic signal of human passion, desire for evolution, empathy, and creativity. As you will hear from the people who launched it the first time and continue to nurture and keep it 'alive' and contemporary. TEDx Athens, June 2, 2018. This podcast series is a knowledge-sharing initiative for Change, Growth, Storytelling, and Talent. The podcast is in the Greek language to give stimuli, insights, hard-facts, and examples to young Greeks and Cypriots for the on-going Transformation and their future path. The