Borrow My Brain Podcast

Podcast Ep-25: A Brain in Wellness, Stefi Vasilopoulou



Borrow My Brain, Podcast series #25 Podcast Ep-25: A Brain in Wellness, Stefi Vasilopoulou Few words In the Podcast Ep-25 "A Brain in Wellness, Stefi Vasilopoulou" we get to know and discuss with the founder of We hear a personal story of restless innovation, ideas, learning, and hard work. Stefi is an example of being 'fit' in the new world, and the disruptions that industries and digital transformation bring to our lives. She has been evolving for long, maturing through successes and mistakes, but she still keeps on learning and experimenting. We hope she will be a real inspiration to young Talent, and more people that don't want to 'fit-it' and be drawn in a path that others wants them to go. At least, she could have been the ideal profile for a daughter, a friend, a colleague, a business partner, or your Mentor. This podcast series is a knowledge-sharing initiative for Change, Growth, Storytelling, and Talent. The podcast is in the Greek language to give stimuli, insights, hard-facts