Sciq With Jayde Lovell

Fame-to-Blame Ratio: Why we took so long to hold R. Kelly accountable, & will do the same for Trump



Ever since this guy Trump extolled the virtues of’ ‘grabbing em by the pussy’, we’ve all been wondering:How bloody hell is it that a guy can admit to sexually assaulting someone – and then be elected president?And it’s not just ‘ol baby fingers who gets to blend the creepy uncle stuff with public office. There’s also:Arnold Schwarzenegger – confessed groper of ladies – elected Governor! Brett Kavanaugh – accused of attempted raped – ok’ed to serve on the supreme court Roy Moore - accused of child m*lesting – and supported by GOP leadersNow look, I understand – sometimes things are in the gray area – but even when Trump and Schwarzenegger admitted their sexual misconduct – people still seem to love and support them!Society says rape, groping, domestic violence, sex with minors is not ok, but then – is totally ok with it. Does that not do your head in?I mean: ‘How come famous people get away with behaving badly?”Turns out, scientists have been pondering this social phenomena for ages. And Here’s Aussie comedian