Jon Hansen (pi Window On The World)

Procurious Big Ideas Summit: Rethinking What's Possible



The Procurious Big Ideas Summit that is scheduled to take place on September 28th in Chicago promises to bring across the pond the same energy and insights as last years event in the UK. To do this, the organizers have lined up an impressive array of speakers, one of whom will be joining me today. Over the next 30-minutes, I will be talking with Sibylline CEO Justin Crump, and we will be focusing on the following discussion points; 1. Your bio states that you are the CEO of Sibylline Ltd, which is an international intelligence and risk analysis consultancy based in the UK, and that you have a personal focus on international jihadist terrorism, strategic affairs, military evolution, and intelligence operations worldwide. While I did not see an immediate or direct connection with the procurement world, you will be discussing the disruptive forces headed toward procurement pros in 2017 at the Procurious Big Ideas Summit. So here is the question; how do you link or correlate expertise in jihadist terrorism wit