God Conversations With Tania Harris

(017) How to Understand Revelation – 2. Emotions and Interpreting Symbols



A beast with seven heads? A prostitute drunk with blood? A lamb with seven eyes and seven horns? What was the author thinking? What had he been eating?! We could be forgiven for asking questions like these when we start reading the book of Revelation. One could wonder if we’ve found ourselves in the middle of a scene from Lord of the Rings rather than a portion of sacred Scripture. In order to understand the powerful and relevant message of this ancient book, we must recognise it is a dream-vision, one of the most common ways God spoke to his people in biblical times, and still uses to speak to us today. Dreams and visions usually speak a symbolic language and therefore require interpretation. In this series, we are using a five-question framework to help us discern the meaning of the book. Last week we looked at the first question - What is the setting of the dream? We learnt that Revelation was a divine message to John who was in exile on the isle of Patmos for his faith. It was then passed onto sev