God Conversations With Tania Harris

(021) The Easy Way to Hear God’s Voice



How can hearing God’s voice be easy? Admittedly it is a slightly provocative statement designed to get you reading my eBook, The Easy Way to Hear God’s Voice, but there’s also an element of truth in it. Let me explain... Many of us struggle to hear God’s voice and it seems we are not alone. Even in Bible times people experienced the same frustration: Why do you complain to him that he responds to no one’s words? For God does speak—now one way, now another—though no one perceives it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds... (Job 33:13-15) Though we know these words were spoken by someone who didn’t always have the right advice for his friend Job, they still give us a glimpse of the ancients’ experience in trying to discern God’s voice. God may well have been speaking to them in dreams, but like so many of us, they didn’t notice it. The premise of my book then is, that hearing from God may be as easy as falling asleep - something we can all do!