Mike T Property Secret's Podcast

Episode 5: Darren Standish | On Education, Collection Skills, and Learning to Accept Failure



Mike T: Good day guys. This is Mike T., from Mike T Real Estate. Today, I’ve got a special guest; his name is Darren Standish from Adelaide, and he’s the business owner of Property Prosperity. Good day, Darren!   Darren: Hey, Mike, thanks for having me on your show. I really appreciate it.    [00:00:40]   Mike T: Thank you for coming on the show as well, too. I wanted to start off asking you about what exactly you do in your business? I know you've got a few businesses within your business. Can you tell our listeners what exactly you do and how you help people? Darren: Yeah, thanks Mike.   [00:00:54]   Darren: Basically, I suppose my business has evolved over time. I didn’t really set out have a particular property business. It just happened. I used to be an accountant and I just sort of – I don’t know. Darren: To be honest, I struggled sitting at a desk all day. It wasn’t really my thing. I tried to