Zion News

Omar; Tlaib Double Down Accusations Against Israel | 8/19/19



1. US To Release Peace Plan After Israeli ElectionsU.s. President Donald Trump strongly hinted Sunday that the likely roll-out of his long-awaited peace plan will follow Israel’s up-coming September elections.2. Omar; Tlaib Double Down Accusations Against IsraelMarc Schulman, Columnist for Newsweek; Editor of Historycentral.com, Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS and Ben-Dror Yemini, Israeli Journalist & Author of ‘Industry of Lies’ speaking at ILTV studio about Israel's refusal of entry to US Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib.3. Netanyahu Arrives In Kiev For Two-Day VisitPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu just landed in Kiev and is set to commemorate victims of Babi Yar & Holodomor tragedies.4. Israeli PM Is Weighing Large Gaza OperationIsrael’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just hinted that the IDF may carry out an operation in Gaza.5. Hezbollah Adopts Hamas’ Arson TacticsA fire has just broken out along Israel’s northern border wit