Zion News

The Future of Education | 8/21/19



NY rabbi drowns in efforts to save his children  David Traub dove into the water to save the kids – but he couldn’t swim #DAVIDTRAUB #DROWNING _______________________________________ Trump accuses democrat-voting Jews of ‘disloyalty’  American Jewish leaders slam the president’s ‘divisive and racist’ remarks #TRUMP  #DEMOCRATS _______________________________________ 3.Interview Panel: Trump accuses democrat-voting Jews of ‘disloyalty’  American Jewish  leaders claim the accusations are divisive and racist. Dr. Martin Sherman, founder & executive director of the IISS , Adv. Simcha Rothman, legal advisor for Meshilut, Dr Elana Sztokman, Vice chair for media and policy for Democrats Abroad Israel and Adv. Sheldon Schorer, former chairman of the Democratic Party in Israel, are here in the ILTV studio to weigh in. #MARTINSHERMAN #SIMCHAROTHMAN #ELANASZTOKMAN #SHELDONSCHORER _______________________________________ AG will opp