The Tracy & Craig Show

DAY OF ACTION: Follow Up Show for Marcus Merritt, Sr.



On January 4, 2013, Mrs. Royce Eckley received the phone call any parent dreads.  Her son, Marcus, was dead.  She was told her son had comitted suicide.  However, upon further investigation, all were lead to believe that this was not the case. Mrs. Eckley turned to all powers that be in Louisiana (where Marcus lived), and those calls were never returned.  We want to help spread Marcus' story and just maybe someone listening can help. We have had this case on our show previously, but today is Marcus' birthday & we have made this a day of action. Here are words from Mrs. Eckley regarding her son: "Marcus Anthony Merritt, Sr. was born May 25, 1975 and that was one of the happiest days of my life. He was my firstborn and only son. Growing up, he was a character, a real boy who enjoyed pretending he was a cowboy. I told him after he was grown that he truly turned into one because, he owned and loved riding his horses. When Marc was around, people tended to gravitate towards him, he made you feel at ease, la