Shay Star Radio

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Interview with R&B Singer Link



Well happy freakin' New Year folks!!! Welcome to 2014!!! We hope that everyone enjoyed themselves as we brought in the new year this morning! On behalf of Team Shay Star, I just want to wish all of our loyal and loving supporters peace and prosperity as we tackle the next 365 days! TONIGHT!!! Join as we kick off the new year with our first interview of 2014 with singer/songwriter Link!!! This Dallas native has accomplished some pretty dope things during his career in this industry. From working with R&B legends like LSG to placing hits on the Top 40 and Billboard charts, Link has definitey been putting in some work, to say the least! Tune in as he shares some more of his journey as well as some hot EXCLUSIVE new music that can ONLY be heard here on Shay Star Radio!!! TOPIC OF THE NIGHT: What are you New Year's resolutions and how do you intend to implement those goals into your plans for 2014? Would you like to sponsor an episode or be featured on Shay Star Radio??? Please send all inquiries to ShaySta