Dr. Carol Francis

Holiday Blues, Seasonal Depression, Family Visit Stresses



Dr. Carol Francis discusses the depth of Christmas and New Years depression, suicidality, and blues and how to insure that you and those you love are not victims to this temporary sadness.  Loneliness, feeling unloved, being disenfranchised by family due to divorce, death, distance or antagonism usually face individuals more intensely during the Holidays.  Those who are alone often feel that others are with family and friends too.  More often than not, everyone knows someone who would prefer to join a family for Christmas regardless of faith or culture.  Join the program and release yourself to those tools and perspectives which will give you the freedom to be happy no matter what your Holiday plans.  Dr. Carol Francis will interview others and how they plan to endure the strains and stress of Holidays with family, friends or all alone.  Contact Psychologist Dr. Carol Francis @ 310-543-1824 or drcarolfrancis.com.  (RelationSuccessNow.com).