Fit Talk With Melinda Corssino

The Love Your Body Project - The Psychology of Eating, Fitness & Loving Yourself



I will talk with Anne Poirier & Cyndi Springford about their business: 'Love Your Body Project'. Cyndi's background includes being an ACE/AFAA Personal Trainer, an RRCA Running Coach, and most importantly, a certified Eating Psychology Coach. Anne is currently earning an Eating Disorder Certificate from the Eating Disorder Institute (at Plymouth University) and working towards her masters in Health Education. She is a Drums Alive Master Trainer, a National Strength & Conditioning Association Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, and a Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Leader. Both of these amazing women have extensive athletic backgrounds, and have also dealt with eating disorders/unhealthy relationships with food. They are here to tell their stories and in the process inspire other women of all ages to   resist damaging social beliefs that undermine women’s health and growth. Both Anne & Cyndi are highly educated in their fields and will be divulging fantastic insight into fitness, b