Searching For Clair Huxtable

Age ain’t Nuthin’ but a Number 1 of 2



These days more than ever, single people are dating in their 40’s — both men and women — feel free to date a wide range of age groups. One has to wonder though – Is hooking up with someone 10 years your junior (senior) a good long-term decision? Or are you better off with someone who is closer to your age? What challenges do you face when dating people older or younger, and how do you cope? Not only did we find the answers to these questions when we sat down with Loran and Michelle, we found that their views on courtship, dating, and behaviors, sex drives haven’t changed much at all and age literally “ain’t nuthin’ but a number”.Every Wednesday visit for a new episode from Maceo and WAE. Next week’s episode is ‘Dating with Kids’ episode 6. More on Dating, flirting, sex, relationships, love, and life from a Black man’s perspective on African American Women.