Whats Your Story?

Episode 30: Big Idea Saturday- Stop Being Embarrassed About What You Love



The idea for this podcast came from my chat with Mike Matthews on the Muscle for Life Podcast, I included the link at the bottom if you haven't listened yet. If you're sick of hearing me talk about it I promise this is one of the last times, I'm just very proud of having the opportunity as it's something that's been a goal of mine for a long time! Anyway- in this podcast I discuss the neuroticism I've had in the past about health and fitness and how I've largely overcome it. I also share a couple some weird/embarrassing stories to highlight just how aberrant my habits and behaviors used to be. The theme I tried to embody is that you should be open and honest about what you like and what you care about, something I didn't do for a long time. This will enable you to learn more and make connections you otherwise wouldn't. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/muscle-for-life-with-mike-matthews/id671863400?i=1000445789262