Horse Empowered

Reconnecting With Our Intuition



In our second episode, Adina Wiseman shares her wisdom about the connection between horses and human growth and development.  She shares her horse journey and how horses have positively impacted her life both personally and professionally.  Adina explores a story about her first horse, Dante and how her journey with this troubled horse has taught her compassion and how to improve relationships with others in her life.Adina explains how the interactions with horses becomes a "mirror" for what is going on with how your are feeling, internally, versus how you might be behaving externally. How the horse responds is communication about your way of being in the world.   In addition, she explores how horses can help you reconnect with your intuition; a quality that is innate in all of us but easily ignored in modern society.What's so impressive about Adina is how she has brought the gifts that the horse has to offer into the incredible success that she has attained in her business and her life.