Happy Healthy Human Radio - Find Balance With Samantha Attard Phd, Ryt, Doula

The First Step in a Diet Makeover



This past weekend, I spoke on a panel at Spark Yoga (www.SparkYoga.com) about finding balance. One woman asked a question regarding diet, and I wanted to answer it here, because it's a question that comes up often. She asked what to do when she knew there were all of these changes that she could make, but was overwhelmed at choosing how to begin. She had the sense that something needed to change, but didn't know what to do. Without knowing her exact situation, preferences, health history, and goals, I couldn't give her an exact prescription. But I could tell her what I do know to be true: the diet change has to start small and it has to feel doable. In this episode: -How to start making dietary changes -The importance of having a plan -How motivation requires some knowledge of the outcome If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me