Wilde About Wellbeing

Are we nearly there yet? An update on my wellbeing journey, my relationships, recovery, career, exercise, and more!



Today's podcast is a bit different to the usual Tuesday deep dive. Today, I'm updating you on my life, and what is and is not working for me at the moment... in terms of recovery, wellbeing, career, exercise, leisure time, relationships and more! Hopefully, you'll find a tonne of tips and tricks in this episode to transfer to your own life. This is my journey, so I'm learning all the time!   0-3: Introductions, and how this episode differs from usual Tuesdays. My belief about how listening to the challenges of others can help us manage our own. 3-5: Setting up my new business, and my experience of being an employee in a 'previous life'. 5-14: The question of whether money can make you happy. 14-20: Finding my tribe, and how a tribe is different to a friendship group. How Instagram works for me. 20-21: How someone who is close to me being ill / undergoing medical testing affects me. 21-25: Our holiday cancellation, why it happened, and my reaction. What this experience tells us about better communication in re