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e017: Point me where I need to go



A deep dive on references and pointers in Rust. Notes By listener request, today we look at the syntax and semantics of referencing and dereferencing and the corresponding & and * operators. As was the case with e016, the code samples have little to say in their documentation; reading the code will be necessary for seeing the ideas. Links “Inside the Fastest Font Renderer in the World” The Rust Platform: original blog post Rust internals discussion Reddit discussion Hacker News discussion follow-up Reddit discussion Cargo vendoring support in nightly MIR on by default in nightly References and dereferencing: The Rust Programming Language: References and Borrowing Deref coercions Rust by Example: Flow Control: pointers/ref The Rust Reference: Unary Operator Expressions Pointer Types Sponsors Aleksey Pirogov Cameron Mochrie Cass Costello Chris Palmer Daniel Collin Derek Morr Doug Reeves Eric Fulmer Hamza Sheikh Jakub “Limeth” Hlusička Jared Smith Keith Gray Lachlan Collins Leif Arne Storset L