Russ Rantz

Episode 16: A Business of Making Things Personal



In my life, with my personality, the two scariest things are...: 1. Having to fold jeans professionally 2. Confronting breathing human beings and calling them out on not being up to the understood standard.  GOOD THING I HAD TO DO BOTH OF THOSE THINGS AT ONCE AT ONE POINT IN MY LIFE. If you know me at all, you know that I'm an emotional guy. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I let my emotions fuel me. I have never been good at making business decisions, or just getting the point across regardless of who's at the other end of the conversation. I. Hate. Confrontation. I. Hate. Bartering. I. Hate. Hurting People's Feelings. I just can't do it. I just can't SWITCH OFF that part of my brain that thinks the person across from me is just as scared of me as I am of him...I am often wrong.  Listen to this latest episode to see how I had two very memorable scenarios where a people pleaser like me was thrust into having a business-like tone/mindset. I wasn't good at it...but that's not the point.  Ch