Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Introducing: Pete Buttigieg and Julian Castro



Hey Fam, Well, the democratic debates have begun and the 20 candidates that were able met the DNC standards to hit the stage did so Wednesday & Thursday. The standards were that the candidate had to earn 1% in three polls approved by the DNC and receive donations from 65,000 people, with 200 being in 20 different states. They were split into two nights and to be honest, to me, they were night and day. The first night's candidates seemed to be less aggressive than those on Thursday night. Elizabeth Warren did stand out but Julian Castro stirred the pot a bit. Most people don't know him but he has some experience behind him. He also presented policies that he wants to put in place. The most passion I saw in him was when it came to the immigrants at the border.  Mayor Pete Buttigieg has garnered a lot of attention during this campaign but it has not been for his policies. He looked out of his league at times. He is going to have to rise if he wants to remain in the race. The upcoming election may seem far aw