

Speaker or Performer: Caleb Petersen Date of Delivery: June 23, 2019 Outrageous LoveProblem: Outrage culture heresy huntingThe World (Socio-Political)“Save the turtles!”“Build that wall!”“My body, my choice!”“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people!”“Black Lives Matter!”“Political correctness is for snowflakes!”“Gender is a social construct!”“Facts don’t care about your feelings!”Everyone is outraged at everything!So meta: I’M OUTRAGED AT THE OUTRAGE! :)Liberals do it.Conservatives do it.Why do we do it?And where did all this start?Child Sacrifice: should you feel something?What is outrage?Outrage: “A strong moral response or reaction towards an offense or injustice.”Combination of 3 emotions:Surprise (Fear)DisgustAngerDeeper than an emotion“Theory of feelings/emoti