Ask Sue

Ask Sue Shows Dogs Shot by Police.Special Guest Cindy Boling



I am proud to have Cindy Boling on the show. Cindy has worked so hard and I am so grateful to have Cindy on the show. Cindy & her husband, Mark, have lived in their home in Fort Worth, Texas, for 23 years.  Since May 2012, when their border collie, Lily, was shot to death by a Fort Worth police officer at the wrong address, Cindy has focused every minute that she can to causing law enforcement agencies in the State of Texas to mandate comprehensive animal encounter training.  The ultimate goal is to achieve Texas legislation mandating the training. Senate Bill 1358 was filed during the Texas 2013 legislative session but is did not pass.   During the interim, until the next Texas legislative session in 2015, Cindy is pursuing the mandate through the rulemaking authority of the Texas Commission on Law Officers Standards & Education. In response to Lily being killed, Fort Worth Police Department Chief Jeffrey Halstead mandated an 8-hour course taught by Jim Osorio for every single police officer on the f