Ask Sue

Ask Sue Psychic Show joined by Geoff Allen



Ask Sue Psychic Show is joined by Geoff Allen  Geoff will be joining us to tell us how he became a medium and about how he works etc Island Jeff was born with a gift to be able to see and communicate with those who have crossed over to the other side. He has been documented by several independant sources and found to be accurate.  He was born in Elizabeth, NJ then moved to the Gettysburg,PA area at age 7, where his family lived in a colonial era house. The battlefield was a playground as a youth and where he learned to develop his gift. At age 14 his family moved to Monument, CO where he attended high school. Island Jeff moved to Fort Worth, Tx in 2006 and now resides on the beautiful island of Galveston, TX in the Guf of Mexico. This spiritually active place is where he feels most at home, and loves taking his pet conure for body surfing on the beaches. Then taking calls with questions etc and one question readings also.