Zoe Nightingale

Glamour, Heroin an Murder...Oh My! Party Monster Michael Alig Takes Us Behind the Curtain



Michael Alig, the beautiful party promoter who took took over NYC's party scene in the 90's has been released from Prison for his 1996 murder of Angel Melendez. For some background, this is the same man whose life that the 2003 movie Party Monster (Staring Seth Green and McCauley Caulkin) was based off of. He was a brilliant Pied Piper who was able to create a social movement that swept over the nation calling small town rejects and societal misfits to join he's legion of worshippers called the "Club Kids." Reviled by some, worshiped by others, he's like the trump of 90's. . As someone who itimately knows the New York Party scene, let me tell you the kind of charisma and raw unique creative chutzpah this takes happens with only a very brilliant, visionary with a calculator brain. Every single person I know whose above 35 got their party flippers wet at Limelight, or Tunnel. HE wasn't a monster, he was God, for years. Then he fell, like Icarus, into the abyss not be be seen or heard for 17 years. Well he's bac